How to Build a Supportive Social Network?

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How to Build a Supportive Social Network

Social support network is beneficial in enhancing the physical and mental well-being of a person, as it only includes the people around us. Positive relationships and social networks can decrease stress, diseases, sickness incidences, and even the mortality rate while improving health and prosperity. However, what can be problematic for many individuals is the ability to create or sustain a meaningful and satisfying social circle. 

This article will discuss how to build a circle of friends, and how to go from knowing someone casually to being more than just a casual acquaintance. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how one could assess their social support network and come up with a plan that would help in their efforts to grow their network.

As has been well understood, having such a good support system is incredibly therapeutic for one’s mind as well as body. Here are some key reasons why building a social support network is so important:

Having friends or family you can turn to to discuss important matters helps in dealing with concerns that may exist, be it fear, doubts or something else. It is also important to share some of your burden with others around you.  

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First, it is imperative to understand that people are inherently social and require social interactions to fulfil their needs. Maintaining good and healthy relationships helps to effectively deal with loneliness.

Good friends will always encourage you to take up the activities that you like most and ensure that you are the best person you can be. They trust that the future holds a better version of you.  

Having people around you who make you feel wanted and who support your decisions improves your morale and self-esteem levels. Their perception towards you is always positive and this just influences you.

 It has been established that individuals with more social connectedness have higher levels of health and well-being. Whether physical, emotional, or social relationships significantly determine total health ranging from enhanced immunity to quicker recuperation from diseases.

There is hope for those who feel that the support they have in their lives is sub-optimal, one can build new bonds. Here are 5 constructive tips:

The first step as you begin the process of letting go is to write a list of all the people in your life. Write down the names of all people who are in your life that you consider to be supportive This can be family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.

Check beside each name how supportive they are on a scale of 1-5, where 1= not very supportive and 5= extremely supportive. This will help you in having an initial point of reference on the amount of social support that you can expect at this period in your life. 

Positive social relationships do not happen naturally but rather they have to be created. If you do not have a large circle of friends, acquaintances, and business contacts, then to become a successful affiliate you will need to come out of your shell. It might be interesting to attend club meetings such as a hiking club, a book club or some volunteer organization.

So when you do find yourself in a position where you are thrust into a conversation with new people, it is best to seize the opportunity to ask questions and to listen instead of immediately beginning to tell your own story. You should not use this as a chance to talk or brag about yourself; it is a two-way communication. 

We all have acquaintances – individuals with whom one may greet and keep up only short conversations, like at the block party or when meeting at the soccer field after watching our kids practice. However, they are usually informal and superficial and may not involve much sharing of the self. 

In some of these passing encounters, you should attempt to ease up a little. When you meet someone new and converse well, make sure to schedule a one-on-one meeting or invite him/her for a group activity. It shall therefore be beneficial for the two parties to set more time apart to be together to enhance the bond.

But what is important to remember is that one can always ‘rekindle’ a committee, a club, or a group of people, and gain more support from them. Consider which relatives and friends have already expressed sympathy or whom you know they have a favorable attitude towards. Arrange to meet virtually if you cannot see them in person at least at regular intervals.

Share with them what is going on in your life and on the other hand, enquire about who they are. Having people in your life who are consistently there and interested in the little things in your life has a significant impact on the connections.

Caring is not a one-way street; it is a two-way process where the involved parties have to give and receive support. The truest and most lasting friendships are based on the principles of reciprocity. You must be present for the lives of those in your life as much as you expect them to be present in yours. 

Take time to listen properly when friends are discussing events in their lives. It also helps to check in if you are aware that someone is struggling. Help out, for example, take them a meal if they are sick or pick up kids if they have a lot of work to do.

Establishing a strong social support network does not happen overnight, rather, it is a process that requires time and patience. On the other hand, putting effort into creating compassion and empathy in your relationships can make you more close, encouraged, and equipped when it comes to handling issues in your life.

It should also be noted that support building has to be a lifelong process, which means that you have to keep forming new contacts as well as strengthening the old ones. It will mostly benefit your health both in terms of mental and physical health.

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Saad Shah is writing about the mental, social and environmental wellness practices in a precise manner to enable the readers getting more information in less time. His holistic healing solutions empowers the individual to navigate their life challenges in a more easily and effectively. His pieces of writings are properly researched and are written while covering different perspectives.
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